More than just a beginning though, this is the chance for a clean slate. For us to be washed clean of everything that’s come before, everything that has held us back or even weighed us down. Venus, the planet that governs romantic relationships, worthiness, self-love, and abundance of all kinds has been making her trek in the underworld as part of her retrograde. During this time, she disappears from the nighttime sky. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Fools In Love During Mercury Square Neptune Starting January 7 - 10, 2022 She has to shed different parts of herself, exploring her own darkness before being reborn as a morning star. Today is the day she reaches this point, but it’s also one that we reach as well. For most of us, we’ve been doing our own reflection, self-review, and shedding since December 19th, now though we are naked, vulnerable, and stripped down to our most authentic essence. Now, it’s time to be reborn. Today offers limitless opportunities to take that first step towards beginning the story that you actually want to write and not the one that you somehow got caught up in having to live within. It’s a chance to use what you’ve learned during the last few weeks and start to make changes in your life. Occurring as part of this rebirth in which Venus is ready to begin a brand-new cycle, she forms a conjunction with the Sun. In astrology, the Sun represents external action and change. This is the chance to take all those ideas that you’ve had quietly stewing in your head and actually start to put action behind them. This is a chance to truly start again without the weight of anything that has come before.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day January 8, 2022


(December 22 - January 19) This is your month Cappy, not just because it’s your Zodiac Season but because Venus has just begun her brand-new cycle in your sign. While you can expect to see and feel an entire rebirth going on in your life, it will especially show up in the themes of Venus. This means that all areas of love, whether it’s a relationship, familial, or even with yourself, are set to have a new start during this time. Today though because the Aries Moon is hitting your fourth house of home and family, those closer relationships will be under the microscope. Coming off the holiday season it’s likely that there were feelings surrounding your home and family life or even history. No one has the perfect childhood or even makes all the perfect choices for themselves once an adult, but if we don’t give ourselves permission to shed these parts of our history then we end up carrying them around. This affects not just our personal relationships but also the opportunities and paths that we choose to take in this life. Today offers you a chance to make peace with your past, not just so you’re no longer crying or feeling bad about it, but so you can truly put it behind you once and for all. This truly is the new beginning you’ve been waiting for, make sure you take it. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Love Kids Vs. The Ones Who Don’t Plan On Having Children


(March 21 - April 19) While Venus isn’t hitting any big emotional houses today, with the moon in your sign and Jupiter in your twelfth it’s still a day of becoming aware of your true feelings. This is bigger than just a relationship though. Bigger than even your career which may be affected as both the Sun and Venus in Cap hit it, this is life-changing energy. Understanding our feelings though isn’t just about what makes us feel good or makes us feel bad, it’s deeper. It comes from that place of knowing what resonates in our lives and what doesn’t. This means that ultimately there are changes in store, but it also may be slow-moving as well. It’s a year of immense possibilities for you. Today is part of that rebirthing process where you begin to understand some deeper truths that you have put off or haven’t wanted to deal with. Venus being reborn means that you are going to have an awakening of sorts of what you truly want your life to mean and represent. This shifts everything. With Jupiter in Pisces hitting your twelfth house it’s also a period in your life where your subconscious becomes conscious before moving into your sign in May. Then it’s going to be all about action. For now, it’s enough to just take these truths that are revealed as gems you will place in your crown later. This is the process of becoming. RELATED: Which Of The 3 Zodiac Stages Of Life You’re In, Based On Your Sign


(April 20 - May 20) As an earth sign, you’re being more affected by the recent uptick in planetary energy, this involves Venus in particular. For you, Venus and even the Sun in Cap are lighting up your ninth house. This is the place that we’re told governs spirituality or even adventure, travel, and higher learning. But the bigger meaning of this is that it represents your belief system. This is the framework that we live by. The structures govern every single choice that we make. Our ninth house is almost like the rules that we choose to live by. For you, this means that there is a giant shift in what that looks like which means it will also affect how your life looks moving forward. With Venus in Cap representing value, both what we value and how we’re valued, it’s likely this belief system will change your boundaries and what you’re able to advocate for yourself about. It’s a wonderful thing and it’s something that has been a long time coming. Today represents the rebirth process of that, of being done accepting something you don’t deserve, something that doesn’t honor the person that you are. While there will be details to work out, let today truly mark that new beginning of making sure that your belief system and the rules you live by are actually based on how much you are worth. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Crave Inner Peace, Ranked From Most To Least Spiritual Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.